неделя, 26 декември 2010 г.

Writing a review

All of us have an opinion about certain topics and I'm sure most of us like sharing it with the world. But more often than not the world refuses to listen! Why is that? Well it could be that you haven't written your opinion like a review of sorts - after all people tend to pay more attention to statements backed up with fact and smart looking  text. Or, you know, maybe  it's just that no one cares. Whatever, I'm assuming that you need to write a review.

On the 
Internet there are literally thousands of places where you can watch or read reviews of movies, books, video games, etc. After all everyone who has ever watched or red something knows two things for sure - that he can make a better move/book/video game/whatever and that his opinion about why the film sucked/rocked/was fine is the most important/right in the world. The problem is most people don't actually know how to write and I don't mean how to write a review - I mean basic writing that makes you look at least somewhat smart and interesting to the reader. Most of the reviews I see, out of professional sites that live off of them, tend to be boring to the point of me wanting to kill myself. And that's because writing a review (I'm actually talking about video reviews too since they still have a script. It's just that you need skills in front of the camera to actually do them well too), like any other form of writing has some basic pointers, that you could break, but probably shouldn't.

First of all, something I see way too often, even in 
professional works - actually seeing the item you will be reviewing. No I don't mean skimming through the movie/game/book. Actually investing the time you need to. You need to know the thing inside and out, otherwise you simply can't review it. Also you should probably go at it at least two times - once as a normal viewer and once as a reviewer. The first time thinking of the enjoyment the work brings you and the second time - about the good and bad technical points of the work. Combine the information you get out of it and use it for the review. Congratulations now you have an opinion backed up by facts.

Now on to the writing itself . You've seen the work you have to. You've made a list of things you want to include in your review. You have your hands on the keyboard. 
Aaaaaaand stop. When writing a review presentation is key. I'm not even talking about spellchecking and not including obvious mistakes. I'm talking about looking smart. Don't swear. And I mean it, never, ever swear. Be impartial, use good English (or whatever moon language you are writing in). Don't write a TL;DR worthy wall of text, but don't be too brief either. The writing itself, well you can probably do that on your own. Just remember reviews are meant to both give information and be amusing to read.

Another important thing - you are far from the only reviewer on the net. You are not 
unique, So don't expect medium quality reviews to bring the people in. As cheesy as it sounds, you need to put your mind and heart into your work. People don't like feeling like sheep, they like feeling smart and amused. They want quality. If you provide it you will have a much better chance of actually having people read view your work. Also go back to some of my previous posts about receiving criticism - you need to be good at it to be successful.

Lastly - jokes. I know some people are 
naturally funny. Other people, like my, aren't. It's aways good having a joke or two in your review, but you have to be damn sure it's funny. Don't try forcing in something that will put of your viewers - if you know you aren't funny it's way better to keep it professional.

And that, my dear readers, is the end of that. These are just general tips, though. In no way do they guarantee you quality or views. They will help you be better though, at least I hope so. Comments and 
opinions are aways accepted of course. If you need to reach me, please do so on blasphemy43@gmail.com.

P.S. You know what? I'm doing a contest. 
Send me a written review or a video of a work you have enjoyed in 600-800 words/3-5 minutes. The 3 I like most will get 50$ each by yours truly. The contest starts immediately and will end 2 months from now. Again, you can reach me on blasphemy43@gmail.com

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